Dendrite arborization simulation - Generate synthetic dendrite arborization | Morphometric analyzer - NeuroSuites

Dendrite arborization simulation

Generation of synthetic neurons with soma and dendrites.

Dendrite arborization simulation repository

Step 1: Generate new neurons

If you have previously selected a set of neurons, this will overwrite it.

Step 2: Get results

Complete step 1 first

Simulating neurons

Models information

The models are Gaussian Bayesian Networks trained with bnlearn.
The training database was made up of 80 pyramidal cortex human neurons and the features were extracted using L-Measure.

The following Bayesian Networks were obtained by training the models (the desc_ variables are the ones learned by the model):
(Click on the images to enlarge them)

Bayesian Network model to decide whether to bifurcate

Bayesian Network model for the first bifurcation

Bayesian Network model when the branch continues

Bayesian Network model when the branch bifurcates