Bayesian networks - BayeSuites

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific Grant Agreement No. 785907 (HBP SGA2)
1. Upload dataset/Bayesian network
Select the dataset and features:
(Load discrete dataset example)
(Load continuous dataset example)
No data available. If you want to upload your dataset please go here and then come back here.
Upload only structure (graph):
Formats supported: .csv or .gzip Apache Parquet file
(first column is the id, first row are nodes names).
Note: For large networks (thousands of nodes) it is recommended to upload
the network as a .gzip Apache Parquet file.
Very large networks can take up to a couple of minutes to load.
Upload only continuous parameters:
This must be uploaded after uploading a graph file or a Bayesian network file
Formats supported: .json
Upload a Bayesian network file (structure + discrete parameters):
Formats supported: .bif
(Bayesian networks example files from the bnlearn website).
(Load example BN discrete file) (Load example BN continous file)
Class features (optional):
Use this to upload external info about groups of nodes: