Who is doing NeuroSuites?

NeuroSuites is being made by the Computational Intelligence Group (CIG) at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).For more information about our research group, please visit our website.

Creator: Mario Michiels

Contributor: Hugo Nugra

Code repository and documentation

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UPM logo

Technical information

The users data in a session will remain in our servers for 48 hours since the last modification of the data. This limit is imposed by our hardware limitations. Keep in mind that you can always create new sessions and the data will be stored again for 48 hours. To create a new session, just close and open the browser again, or use a different browser.


Our team will answer in less than 24h-48h.

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Our policies and Terms and Conditions

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Postal address:

Computational Intelligence Group
Department of Artificial Intelligence
School of Computer Science
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo S/N
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid