Summary table
3D visualization
The 3D visualization in this tab is implemented with ThreeJS, a javascript library that uses webGL. If you experience any problem during the visualization update your browser and/or check that your browser supports webGL.
To visualize an uploaded soma, select it using the soma selector on the left side. If no soma has been uploaded yet, please proceed to data load tab. Once a soma has been selected, in the next box you will see the different versions available, which are: Original, Repaired, Segmented, Repaired & Segmented, Simulation.
For each version, you can set its color and opacity (from 0 to 1). Any version of a soma can be plotted at the same time. Finally, you can select the render quality. The better the quality, the slower the rendering process will be. After all parameters have been set you can click on the render button.
Soma selector
Mesh selection
Color and opacity
Renderer options
Summary table
Load PLY and/or VRML files
To load a 3D mesh in PLY or VRML format, please use the file explorer on the sidebar to select the files. The set of reconstructions can be grouped in a package by filling the "package" text field in the sidebar. To speed-up the uploading proccess, files can be also be in ZIP format.
Metadata XML files can be also uploaded at the same time. Data and metadata files will be paired by name. For example: this_soma.xml will be processed as the metadata relative to this_soma.ply or this_soma.vrml.
Any errors detected during the upload or the parsing phase will be displayed in this same page. Files with errors will not be uploaded into 3DsomaMS. After completion, please proceed to "preprocessing".
Process log
Process loaded files
Original 3D reconstructions of the soma can present holes produced in the staining proccess, also the initial part of the neurites can be part of the original mesh.
To address these issues, SomaMS provides two preprocessing algoriths:
- Repair algorithm : Based on the ambient occlusion algorithm and then applying clustering techniques. It fills the holes in the soma surface and applies smoothing.
- Segmentation algorithm :Based on the shape diameter function value. Distinguish between soma and neurites, removing the latest.
Finally, the characterization process mesures descriptive morphological variables from the mesh that are used in the modelling and simulation steps.
More information about the preprocessing step can be found in the article: Luengo-Sanchez et al. A univocal definition of the neuronal soma morphology using Gaussian mixture models , Frontiers in Neuroanatomy vol. 9, 2015.Soma selector
Process log
Characterizations data table
The characterization table displays all variables measured in the characterization proccess (one row per soma). On the left side you can select which variables to show in the table in the column selector. Due to the high number of variables the table may not display propperly if too many variables are selected.
If you already have characterized a set of somas in a previous session, you can import a CSV table with the previous data and avoid to go through the repair, segment and characterize process. To do so, just select the CSV file in the file explorer under the column selector and click import.
To export the table in CSV format, click the export button under the data table. The whole table will be saved, no matter which columns are active in the column selector.
Column selector
Import data tables
Download somas
All uploaded and processed somas in the application can be downloaded in binary PLY format. Use the control on the left to select which somas you want to download, then click on the button to download a ZIP file with all selected somas.
Soma selector
Process log
Summary table
Model visualization
In this tab you can explore every model in the application. After selecting a model, the list of characterizations and the view selector are in the first section. There are three detailed views available, one for each component of the model:
- Source data view : Displays the data used to create the model, similar to the view data table tab under data loading. Here you can explore the data and download it in CSV format.
- Bayesian Network : Shows the Bayesian network structure as well as the marginal distribution of each node (left click on a node). You can also select which variables are represented in the variable selector on the left.
- Cluster : Plots instances and cluster centroids in a 3D scatterplot using multidimensional scaling.
Model general info
Bayesian network view
Variable selector
Clustering visualization
Cluster distance plot (MDS)
Source data view
Column selector
Create new model
3DSomaMS builds a model based on a Gaussian Bayesian network with the variables measured in the characterization step. Then it applies clustering techniques to identify groups of somas with common characteristics.
To create a new model use the data selector on the left side to select which characterizations will be used as source data for the new model. You must also name the new model to identify it afterwards.
There are 4 parameters setteable in model building phase:
- Number of reboots : Number of times that the bootstrap process will learn the Bayesian structure.
- Significant threshold : Threshold over percentage of times that an arc appeared in the boostrap structures to be included in the final structure.
- Number of clusters : Range that determines the number of clusters to consider. The final clustering will be selected based on its BIC score.
- Initialization method : Initialization method to build the clusters, it can be K-means or at random initialization.
Data selector
Process log
Simulation summary
Run new simulation
Based on models built in the previous step, 3DSomaMS can create new characterizations and from them create a 3D mesh, a simulated soma.
To run a simulation select which model will be used as reference in the Model selector. Name the simulation to identify it afterwards. Then, in the simulation parameters box, choose one of the clusters. To sample from all of the clusters according to the priori distribution of the cluster select All. Finally select the number of somas to simulate and click Run simulation to start.. You must also name the simulation to identify it afterwards.
Simulation Parameters
Simulation log
3D Soma MS Graphical User Interface
Welcome to 3DSomaMS, an R package for soma reparation, segmentation and characterization. This web-based user interface provides access to all main algorithms implemented in 3DSomaMS. The interface is divided in four sections:
- Dashboard : This section provides a general overview of the application as well as a 3D soma visualizator.
- Data loading : In this tab the user can upload new files, preprocces somas and import/export its characterization.
- Modelling : Based on the characterization of the somas, in this page the user can create soma models and visualize them.
- Simulation : Finally, in the simulation tab the user can generate new somas from the models built in the previous section.
Summary tab
3D Visualization tab
The first step is to select a soma using the soma selector. Once a soma has been selected the options in the box below will be updated. On the options box you can select which versions of the soma you want to plot, and for each version you can set face color and opacity, After setting all the parameters, click on render button to create or update the 3D plot.
You can move the camera in the 3D plot using your keyboard, specific controls are detailed on the top-side of the plot.
Data loading
Summary tab
Data load tab
Preprocessing tab
Characterization table tab
Summary tab
New model tab
- Select the data to build the model
- Name the new model
- Set the Bayesian network learning parameters
- Define the clustering parameters
Model visualization tab
Model visualization: BN view
Model visualization: Source data view
Summary tab
New simulation tab
Contact info:
- Webpage : link
- 3DSomaMS library :
- GUI :
- Phone : +34 - 913363675